We guarantee the accurate delivery of your purchased goods. This means, nothing goes out the door prior to your approval by either an emailed virtual, a photo of the first run or a physical sample. While we know the products leave our warehouse in the condition expected, we also know unfortunate events in shipping can occur. First and foremost, we will replace product as quickly as possible and ship via the same method as the original shipment. In the meantime, we will determine how the damage occurred and how it will be financially covered.
We reserve the right to make changes to items on our website without notice. From time to time, the website may have errors in descriptions or pricing that need to be corrected. We will do all we can to remedy any errors quickly and appropriately.
Our crates contain wood dust, which is known by the state of California to cause cancer or reproductive harm. No other issues have made us non-compliant.
We do not, at any time, share your personal information with any third parties. We do store your information in our own database for your ease as a returning client and for our use in email marketing. If you wish to not receive emails or special offers from us, please notify us directly at info@giveogive.com